The Immigration Act of 1990 established the Diversity Lottery Program, also known as the USA Green Card Lottery. This program aims to increase diversity within the U.S. immigrant population. Every year the U.S DOS (Department of State) creates 55,000 immigrant visas for immigrants who originate from a country of low U.S. immigration.
Each year, the National Visa Center randomly selects eligible applicants in October and November. However, the total number of green cards provided to a region cannot exceed 7%. Those selected will have the option to apply for permanent residence or an adjustment of status.
If you are searching for DV Lottery, you can explore the usgreencardoffice.com website. USGreenCardOffice has outstanding reviews for their immigration services.
Winners of the green card lottery have a short window for submitting the required documentation. Once the required documentation is submitted, winners will be scheduled for an interview.
Once they have completed the final steps of the process, winners of the diversity visa lottery are allowed to live and work in the United States and have the option of bringing their spouse and unmarried children under 21 to the country. In 2010, the Department of State gave 49,763 green cards to lottery winners. More than 50% were male and 74% were 21 or older.
Green Card Lottery Requirements:
A diversity visa lawyer at VisaNation Law Group can explain the requirements in more detail, but here is a brief summary:
- Must be a native of a country with a low U.S. immigration rate. Consult the list of eligible countries.
- A high school education is a minimum requirement.
- Additionally, applicants with qualifications equivalent to a high school education or who have obtained two years of experience in a field that requires two years of training will be eligible. The second option requires the applicant to have completed this occupation five years before the application date.
- Applicants must meet the requirements of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
Individuals from most countries are eligible for the lottery except for those whose names appear on the following list (updated Nov. 2014):
- Brazil
- Bangladesh
- China (mainland, not including Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan)
- Canada
- Colombia
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- India
- Haiti
- Jamaica
- Mexico
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Peru
- Philippines
- South Korea
- Vietnam
- UK (except Northern Ireland/ dependent territories)
The most up-to-date list of countries can be found on the USCIS website, or you can contact VisaNation Law Group’s diversity visa lawyers for advice.
The Following Countries Are Ineligible:
- As long as the spouse’s native country is eligible, the applicant can claim it. As well as being able to receive and meet all visa requirements, the spouse must also meet the requirements of the visa. The spouse must also have a DV-2 visa in order to enter the United States with the applicant.
- The applicant may claim the parents’ native country if both parents were born outside of the applicant’s native country and did not reside in the country after the applicant was born.
Those selected in the lottery will be notified by mail (address outlined on the application).
Benefits of Green Card Lottery
People who win a green card lottery benefit from many of the same privileges as permanent residents. These include education and health benefits, employment opportunities that wouldn’t otherwise be available and more.
Diversity visa lottery is open to immigrants from countries that have sent fewer than 50,000 migrants to the U.S. in the last five years. Typically, the people selected in the diversity lottery are from Europe, Central Asia, and Africa. Based on the law, you need to apply for the lottery each year if you are not selected.
If you were born in a country not included on the list of eligible countries for diversity visas, but your spouse was born in one that was, they can apply and claim you as their spouse. The diversity visa lawyers at VisaNation Law Group can explain what other benefits you may qualify for as an applicant of the green card lottery.
- If you are unsure whether you qualify or how to qualify, VisaNation Law Group’s diversity visa attorneys can assist you.
- Our diversity visa attorneys have years of experience handling Green Card Lottery cases, so we can help you gather the required documents in a timely manner to ensure your position as an eligible applicant.
- In the event that you are selected under the diversity visa program, VisaNation can assist you with the documentation and submit files to the appropriate departments.
- If you would like your spouse and unmarried, minor children to accompany you to the United States, our Green Card Lottery attorneys can help you obtain the DV-2 and DV-3 visas. Fill out this form to schedule a consultation with a member of our legal team