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Should You Invest for Retirement Outside of a Pension?

Should You Invest for Retirement Outside of a Pension?

While retirement savings provide exponential returns, it requires patience to see them reach a certain ceiling. There is also a possibility you might retire sooner because of unexpected events so your retirement planning should be very wise. We present a few alternatives to pension planning that will cushion the blow in your golden years of life.

Tax-Free Savings Amount

Your investment in a tax-free savings account is not subjected to tax. Any form of interest, capital again, or investment will not be taxed when you withdraw from TFSA. It is a registered savings plan that accommodates petty cash, mutual funds, stocks, and a Guaranteed Investment certificate, which you will learn about later on. Following are a few benefits of investing in TFSA outside of a pension:

Principal Protected Notes

Principal Protected Notes are similar to notes. By purchasing a PPN, you invest the principal amount through a lender, usually a bank. As the principal amount matures, you earn interest. However, the investment is guaranteed until the principal amount matures in at most 10 years. Regardless, the principal amount remains insured in the bank. If you decide to withdraw prematurely, you will encounter penalties:

Guaranteed Investment Certificate

Guaranteed Investment Certificates is a direct investment outside of the pension. The interest income is at a fixed rate. However, the longer you keep the acquisition, the higher the returns. Since the investment is very secure, the pensioners Canadians are pleased with the scheme. As a result, they can retire with significant funds in their name.

Retirement Savings Plan

A registered Retirement Savings Plan will hold cash reserves, jewelry, gold, silver, bonds, mutual fund bonds, equities, mortgage securities, and so much more. Other features include:

Mutual Funds

Lastly, you can invest in mutual funds. It will consistently increase your savings with its following benefits:

Let Us Guide You

Merrick Financial Inc. is present to assist you in achieving financial planning and investment dreams. Our fee for service financial planner services are for a range of clients. Contact us today via email, phone, or schedule a meeting by filling out the form online at our website.

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