Divorce can be a frightening prospect for some people who envision a long and bitter courtroom battle. It is possible to have a contested cheap divorce, meaning that the couple disagrees on the terms. It is also possible to have an uncontested cheap divorce. In an uncontested divorce, both parties agree on all terms, such as the division of property, without mediation or trial. Many people cannot comprehend the idea of an uncontested divorce. Divorces that are uncontested, on the other hand, can offer many benefits to couples who can reach an agreement. Uncontested divorces have a number of valuable advantages, as outlined below.
If you are interested in cheap divorce lawyer, you can use this website. QuickDivorceNow.com are licensed Louisiana attorneys with understanding and experience in state’s divorce laws.
Court Battles Are More Expensive Than Divorces Without Them
If you contest your divorce, you can expect to pay anything between $3,500 and $20,000. Divorce can cost over $100,000 when one or both parties have a high net worth because of the many issues involved. A contested divorce can cost even more if assets are lost during the process and one spouse receives a settlement that is not favorable to them. The cost of an uncontested divorce, however, can be as low as $500, allowing both parties to move on with their new lives.
An Uncontested Divorce Provides Closure
Certain decisions can be appealed after a contested divorce trial. A party may appeal a judge’s decision regarding child custody if they believe the judge made a mistake. The fact that the other party has the right to appeal any decision makes it difficult for the other party to put the whole process behind them.
Uncontested divorces, on the other hand, allow couples to more easily conclude their divorces and move forward with their lives. It is still possible for a party to request a modification of the agreement in the future, but it normally does not happen right away and usually requires a corresponding change in circumstances.
Couples Who Divorce Uncontested Keep In Touch
After a hotly contested divorce, it is usually extremely difficult for both parties to maintain a civil relationship, let alone be friends. However, there are certain circumstances when a couple has a lot to gain by being not just friendly but also civil towards each other. One of the most common situations in which a couple can benefit from being friendly is with children. Due to the absence of feelings of resentment between the two parties in an uncontested divorce, co-parenting is much easier than it is in a contested divorce.
We Can Help You If You Are Divorcing In Tampa Bay
You should consult a Tampa divorce lawyer regardless of whether your divorce is contested or not. The experienced attorneys at All Family Law Group, P.A. can guide you through the divorce process and help you reach an agreement with your spouse. We are also prepared to go to trial when your divorce is contested, giving you the best chance of a favorable outcome.